probably you do too, who are not making a go of it as men, but would do well at some woman's job and should be allowed to do it and to dress to suit".

Mother said, "Yes, I knew two girls who wanted to be mechanics and would have been good ones, better than many men. But it did not suit their parents, SO they had to be clerks in a store. Both were unhappy. One married, was not suited for housekeeping at all and soon separated from her husband".

It was all very interesting to me and I kept still and took it all in. Then mother brought up her trouble. "What worries me is that Jean has got to the age where her voice will change. If it gets deep Miss Elliott will be sure to notice, and we will be in trouble for sure then, for she hates boys".

"Well something can be done for that too. Dr. Carson said, "You don't mean a sex change operation surely. I would never think of allowing that, mother asked.

Dr. Carson replied, "No, I don't believe in the m except in cases where there is no doubt at all, but a course of hormone injections can be given. I have never given them for just that reason, but we give them right along to men for a number of troubles, and the kick the men have is that they become too femin- ine. One objection is that the mens breasts start to grow. I had to keep on with one man, and his breasts were as large and natural as his wifes.

"That woke me in a rush. I said, "Dr. Carson if you gave me injections would my breasts grow just like a girl my age and keep growing too?"

"Yes, Jean, they would, especially if you are somewhat feminine there to start with, and many boys are. Let me take a look". She did so then said, "You are too young yet but I would say what you have shows promise. There are other signs too. Your bones are small, your wrists are smaller than most boys and hands slender. I bet you have trouble throwing a ball like a boy too". "I do", I said, "that's why I am no good at baseball. I have to toss a ball like a girl. hurts my shoulder to throw like a boy".


"Well it will take months of course, but I would say that if Jean is started on a course of estrogen in- jections, about once every two weeks, her voice would
